
Om det bare er sådan jeg er som person, eller om det er alt det pjat med at min kæreste ikke er sikker på om han elsker mig osv – det er svært at sige. Men humøret har været nede de sidste par dage. Får også slået mig selv godt oven i hovedet med den manglende træning, men jeg kan simpelthen ikke slippe afsted til det, med alle de helligdage og stoffers eksamen osv, når jeg helst vil afsted om formiddagen.

Nå, men så hører jeg de samme sange om og om igen. Det gør mange måske, når de er smådeprime? Jeg hører den her, af Tina Dickow:

Room With a View
I need a room with a view
An armchair by the window
a cup of coffee and a cigarette or two
Watch the sky turn from hazy grey to black
Watch my neighbours go to work
and look exhausted and burned out when they get back
Thinking 'bout you
Thank God for this beautiful view

I recall you took me swimming
the sea was dark and cold
You'd been there many times before
with many different girls, I'd been told
But what's a man without a past
We love him for his lies
and then we try to break him down to make it last
till they come true
Thank God for this beautiful view

Beautiful view
you, you, you…
I still love you

The dark is falling
the city fills with lights
Cars like shining pearls on strings
moving through the emptiness of night
The wine is running to my head
I'm spellbound by the moment
can't get up, can't find the strength to go to bed
without you
Thank God for this beautiful view

Beautiful view
you, you, you…
I still love you

I've been blind
too blind to tell false from true
I've been so busy running
never stopped to think where I was running to
But I've learned my lessons
from the tears I've had to cry
Sometimes it helps to take your time
to sit alone and watch the world go by
Cause every day it's new
Thank God for this beautiful view

Every day it's new
Thank God for this beautiful view
Thank God for this beautiful view

Og jeg hører den her, af Counting crows:

"Black And Blue"

Fading everything to black and blue
You look a lot like you
Shatter in the blink of an eye
You keep sailing right on through
Every time you say you're learning
You just look a lot like me
Pale under the blistering sky
White and red
Black and blue
You've been waiting a long time
You've been waiting a long time
To fall down on your knees
Cut your hands
Cut yourself until you bleed
Fall asleep next to me
Wait for everyone to go away
And in a dimly lit
room where you've got nothing to hide
Say your goodbyes
Tell yourself we'll read
a note that says
I'm sorry everyone
I'm tired of feeling nothing goodbye
Wash your face
Dry your eyes
Cause you've been waiting a long time
You've been waiting a long long time
To fall down on your knees
Cut your hands
Cut yourself until you bleed
But fall asleep next to me
Have a dream I'm falling down
On my face
Scrape my knees
Scrape my hands until they bleed
Cause you're fast asleep next to me
Next to me

Og jeg hører gudhjælpemig også den her, af mark knopfler:

Sailing to Philadelphia

I'm Jeremiah Dixon
I am a Geordie boy
A glass of wine with you, sir
And the ladies I'll enjoy
All Durham and Northumberland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth…

He calls me Charlie Mason
A stargazer am I
It seems that I was born
To chart the evening sky
They'd cut me out for baking bread
But I had other dreams instead
This baker's boy from the west country
Would join the Royal Society…

We are sailing to Philadelphia
A world away from the coaly Tyne
Sailing to Philadelphia
To draw the line
The Mason-Dixon line

Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon
But I swear you'll make me mad
The West will kill us both
You gullible Geordie lad
You talk of liberty
How can America be free
A Geordie and a baker's boy
In the forest of the Iroquois…

Now hold your head up, Mason
See America lies there
The morning tide has raised
The capes of Delaware
Come up and feel the sun
A new morning is begun
Another day will make it clear
Why your stars should guide us here…

We are sailing to Philadelphia
A world away from the coaly Tyne
Sailing to Philadelphia
To draw the line
The Mason-Dixon line

sikke noget, sikke noget…

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2 Responses to Maj-melankoli

  1. Ane Mette skriver:

    Tror, at det er årstiden, for jeg dur heller ikke til noget pt.

  2. Linda skriver:

    Kære Julie.
    Har jo lige opdaget din smartlog.
    Jeg kender jo selv en del til at være nede, og ved derfor at det hjælper mig at gøre et eller andet for at komme ud af stemningen. “Take action” så at sige.
    Jeg vil ikke gøre mig al for klog på din situation, da jeg ofte selv har brug for at folk bare lytter og er der for mig. Kunne det hjælpe dig, at finde en skulder og få talt ud ved?
    Knus, Linda

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